Your attention

To all 3903 members and allies:

THIS IS AN URGENT APPEAL FOR ACTION!The threat of Provincial back to work legislation is now very real - a *Queen'sPark leak* tells us the Liberals are preparing the legislation and will notwait for a forced rat vote to recall the house. This is bad news for us andour contract and worse news for the collective bargaining rights of allpublic sector workers in Ontario. It would mean binding arbitration for usin the immediate and a precedent that a recession means public service/sector workers lose our legal right to strike and bargain.Let's mobilize on all fronts against this.

*All actions for Monday need toaccount for this new reality and shift messaging accordingly.
* for talking points and phone numbers/ emails at Queen's Parkto call and write to immediately.

Also Please *weigh in on today's CP 24 poll question*:Should the provincial government step in to force binding arbitration andend the York strike?VOTE NO at:
